People are beautiful..!

The amount of goodness in the world never ceases to amaze me. I've been binge watching a string of documentaries on Netflix. Documentaries on people's passion for food, on how a little boy harnessed the electricity out of wind in the ruins of Africa, on how stoic heroism of few people has helped the human … Continue reading People are beautiful..!

I wish..

I am bleeding, From within, I am dying, Everyday. I am withering, From this devilish pain. I am crying, Until I'm out of tears. I am drinking, To forget everything. I'm tired, Of all this fighting. I am alone, Today and tomorrow. I want to talk, Right here right now. I know I can't, Oh, … Continue reading I wish..

A disease called overthinking..

Does having a kind heart make you weak ? It certainly seems so. I've always been a person who overthinks a lot even for doing the minutest of the minute chores that we all do in our routine. But, let me tell you this overthinking is definitely not about how I will be impacted with … Continue reading A disease called overthinking..