The train to Pakistan

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐Genre: Indian historic fiction A fantastic read about the gruesome and the torturous perils that were witnessed by the Hindu’s, Muslims and Sikhs during the partition of India in 1947. This book is considered a classic amongst the Indian historical fiction genre and rightly so. The author paints a distinctive image of the downtrodden … Continue reading The train to Pakistan

Yes, Hinsikhlim lost it!

They chant prayers, They wield swords. They make the layers, They create caste and many new lords. They make a living, Of people's ignorance. They take a giving, In the name of their lords' remittance. They are evil, They create battles. They make you believe in the primeval, Like a lil sheep, you join their … Continue reading Yes, Hinsikhlim lost it!