Do you still call me a house?

Do you still call me a house ?  I sure resemble like one. I have the foundation and I have the shape. I surely stand up strong and straight. Yet, something is still missing. Is it the roof ? Oh yes, its destroyed. Is it the walls ? Indeed, they are hollow. How about the … Continue reading Do you still call me a house?

I just fade away..

I simply fade away, Everyday, I just rot and decay. With a battered body and a charred soul, My heart gets sucked into this giant black hole. Sometimes I feel the pain engulf me, It just seems so overwhelming, there's no one to hear my plea. I suddenly gasp for air while I struggle to … Continue reading I just fade away..

The Glory..!!

Little beads of sweat trickling by, You keep walking, unfazed by the pain,with the head held high. "Why should thou bear it?" asks your heart, There comes the answer, the very first memory, right from the start. You make your first step, you see many people patting your shoulder, You answer all those challenges,you now sense … Continue reading The Glory..!!

A Never Ending Wait..

  Sleepless nights and starless skies, A pain so very deep,oozing through my eyes. Why should this happen?Would it ever change? Oh,please tell me,what shall I offer in exchange? Souls together,bodies apart, Your very little thought just pummels my heart. Every time I stare into the sky, I hope to find a star to talk … Continue reading A Never Ending Wait..